Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Liquid Propane

Having a wood-burning stove or fireplace was high on my wish list for a vacation home.  My rationale was, if I am spending the winter in a remote location, I would prefer the safety of a renewable and sustainable source of heat, in case of a power outage, and especially in these times of economic uncertainty.

As it turns out, our place does not have a wood burner, but does have a liquid propane fireplace to supplement the electric heat pump.  (Alternately, the electrical panel is configured to use a generator, if and when we get one.)

While propane is not forever renewable or sustainable, it may satisfy our needs, and it does offer some advantages over wood.  The system has a 250 gallon capacity, so it is not likely to run out without warning.  In case of a blackout we would have days if not weeks to come up with another heat source.  Propane is delivered more easily than firewood which has to be sourced, cut, dried and carried.  As a bonus, the same system runs an instant hot-water heater.  (And the fireplace has a remote control.)

Last week we refilled the tank for about $3 per gallon.  It took seventy gallons, and we have begun to monitor our usage as the seasons turn cooler.

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