Monday, October 10, 2011

Apple Butter Festival

Ten-, 20-, 30-, 40-...100-percent there!  Bedtime, first...and last..chapter of Bad Kitty.

Theraflu and Halls.

Nine o'clock watched parade, ten o'clock ate blueberry pancakes, eleven o'clock gathered walnuts, noontime ate peanut-butter  and honey sandwiches.

Unloaded half a cord of firewood, set up tent, discovered a vandalized fallen sapling.

Cousins arrived late, stew by the fire, talent show by candlelight, learned that the sapling was fallen by vandal beavers.

Bedtime stories, sick cousin coughing, thinking about bear, shivering in hammock.

Children's Tylenol.

Last fire log, last crying kid, too damn cold, going inside.

Breakfast by the fire: cornbread, eggs, bacon, peaches, and apples.

Hide-n-seek inside and out, raked leaves, played Stomp Rocket, built a rake, raked more leaves.

Weekend almost over.  Wait!  Kayak trips up the river.  No, wait!  Canoe and raft trip to the green bridge.

Coloring with crayons, baked chicken, Grandma's bread, doing dishes, waiting for laundry.
Sleeping on the way home, Black and Blue Berry Life Water with Pizza Goldfish.  Fifty hours away from mommy.

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